Smart ARC funding for AI

All things AI are flavour of the month / year in the HE sector and the Australian Research Council joined the bandwagon this week, providing $8.33m to sixteen projects involving Artificial Intelligence in a new round of Discovery Program Grants. 

With lead researchers and admin organisations they are:

  • Janet Davis (QUT): new AI capacities to track airborne grass pollen types
  • James Shine (Uni Sydney): “translate the brain’s inherent complexity into a set of explorable networks that will test the network theory of intelligence, and also be used to drive advances in next generation artificial neural networks”
  • Hua Wang (Victoria U): AI in transport network charges
  • Martijn Cloos: (Uni Queensland): new Magnetic Resonance Imaging instruments to … improve our understanding of mental disorders, advance computer brain interface technology, and inspire the next paradigm shift in artificial intelligence.
  • Kathleen Ellis (Curtin U): using AI to improve audio description of visual media
  • Russell Thompson (Uni Melbourne): including AI in urban logistics systems
  • Nicola Bidwell (Uni Melbourne): diverse AI techniques for making sense of climate predictions and risks in remote First Nations communities
  • Pankaj Sharma (Flinders U): improving speed and energy use for computers necessary for AI and big data tasks in quantum computing
  • Rezaul Begg (Victoria U): AI in wearable systems to warn people they are at risk of falling
  • Neil Selwyn (Monash U): AI tools for teaching in schools
  • Kalervo Gulson (Uni Sydney): policies for AI in schools
  • Dragan Gasevic (Monash U): framework for assessing writing composed “with help” of AI
  • Maarten De Laat (Uni SA): a “foundational understanding” for teachers of AI and its use
  • Patrick Stokes (Deakin U): AI to “reuse and interact” with  “digital remains” after death
  • Colin Klein (ANU): “investigate the ways in which artificial intelligence is equivalent to human intelligence”
  • Tanja Junkers (Monash): an AI application to predict and automatically optimise chemical reactions



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