Appointments and Achievements (November 9th)

Stephen Weller (Australian Catholic U) joins the Board of UniSuper.

Kerrie Wilson (QUT) starts work as Queensland Chief Scientist.

Sarah Creswell (Griffith U) has a new term on the board of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute. Sarah Chapman (Science and Technology Australia) joins.

Investment NSW announces its International Education Awards, including.

* Business and Community: Job site SEEK, for NSW Jobs Connect for International Students programme

* Education Providers:  Uni Sydney Business School, Job Smart Programme

* Outstanding contribution:  David Riordan, Public Education Foundation.  


The Regional Universities Network announces winners of its learning and teaching awards.

first:  Charles Sturt U Three Rivers Department of Rural Health: (Elyce Green and Brent Smith, Rebecca Barry, Latitia Kernaghan, Kathryn Castelletto)

second: Erin Siostrom (Uni Sunshine Coast)

third: Uni Southern Queensland (Business Academy Team)

Science in Australia Gender Equity announces a new advisory committee for its local  Athena SWAN (as in Scientific Women’s Academic Network) accreditation scheme.

Chair is Catherine Elliott (Telethon Kids Institute) with members,  Gail Crimmins (Uni Sunshine Coast), Andrew Deeks (VC, Murdoch U), Kumi De Silva (Uni Sydney), Melanie Fuller, (Defence Science and Technology Group), Edwin Hawkins (Walter and Eliza Hall IMR), Andrew Heap (Geoscience Australia), Kate Huppatz (Western Sydney University), Kay Latham (RMIT University), Cobie Rudd, (Edith Cowan U), Zlatko Skrbis (VC, Australian Catholic U) and Fiona Stapleton (UNSW).



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