Practical AI framework for universities released

A Practical AI Framework for Universities is being released today by the Ai Collab.

The Framework outlines key challenges in implementing a consistent, comprehensive approach to AI across Australian institutions – addressing the rise of AI not just in learning and teaching and assessment, but also in student support, administration and student recruitment.

IDP’s Emerging Futures 4 report indicates that 73% of students from China are likely or intend to use Chat GPT to help submit their application and 74% would use it to help decide which subject to study.

The IDP report also indicated that more than one third of students in India and the Philippines are concerned that the use of AI in application processing may result in discrimination.

The Accord Final Report also highlights the importance of generative AI to improve learning and teaching outcomes and many institutions are now grappling with finding the best way forward to address the growth in AI.

Meanwhile in the UK a survey of more than 1,000 undergraduates found 53% were using generative AI to help them study. Students claimed they were using generative AI to explain concepts, suggest research ideas, summarise articles and complete other time-saving tasks, with only 5% admitting to cheating.

The new AiCollab Framework includes a sample Risk-Reward matrix for consideration within institutions – designed to demonstrate the importance of a coordinated approach to AI and underlining the importance of building AI literacy and capability across both staff and student bodies.

“The risk-reward matrix is not meant to be interpreted like a traditional business model. Some things that we need to do a institutions may have a low institutional financial return but have a high reward for the people we serve. Overall, though, the prioritization of activity relating to AI needs to be coordinated, or universities risk some major issues in terms of integrity and efficiency,” the Ai Collab team said.

Sample AI Risk Reward Matrix

For discuss the work and get a free copy of the Framework, book here

The Ai Collab is an initiative of Future Campus and Twig Marketing Director Tim Winkler and Ai Her Way founder Dr Nici Sweaney.



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