The medical manufacturing plan that isn’t

Industry and Science Minister Ed Husic and Health Minster Mark Butler have released what is titled a manufacturing co-investment plan for medical science, the first of the National Reconstruction Fund priorities.

The statement sets out four medical science “investment opportunities,”

  • digital health
  • medical devices
  • complex therapeutics
  • “sustainability” (specifying manufacturing, “circular economy principles,” preventative healthcare” and “sustainable production.”

So what’s the plan? Government and industry action in six areas is the answer,

  • Skills and capability availability.” “the government is committed to building a skilled and adaptable workforce” including by “a better migration system focused on skills gaps”
  • Demand: government can increase it at home and Austrade is important to exports
  • Collaboration and coordination: “by connecting key players and finding synergies through precincts, Australia’s medical science industry can build critical mass … government and industry could do more.”
  • Supply chain diversification: businesses facing high export competition should increase domestic capability. Those with domestic capability should export
  • Regulation and business settings: stakeholders point to cost, time “and ease” of regulatory approval. The system should promote competition “so that industries can grow”
  • Translation and commercialisation: “de-risking translational activities and incentivising later stages of clinical development in Australia can attract investors and support the growth of small businesses and start-ups. “ (But how?)

The Government also proposes embedding translational facilities within healthcare settings and innovation precincts, “to support clinician-led innovation” and improving access to translation facilities – including building capability in university technology offices.

Winning ideas all; as long as international competitors aren’t already on to them. And some detail would be good.



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