Appointments and Achievements (24 April)

Winners of the Australian Council of Graduate Research Excellence Awards include,

  • Kaylene Cooper, Alexandra McKelvey, Lenore Irvine, Uni Queensland (graduate research programmes and support)
  • iPREP Biodesign team at UWA (industry engagement)
  • Megan Lord, UNSW (graduate research leadership
  • Bob Wong, Monash U (graduate supervision)

Philipp Dautel becomes principal manager of Flinders U’s Factory of the Future. He previously worked for Renewal SA at the Tonsley Innovation District, (where the Flinders U project is located).

John King will start as MD of the estimable National Centre for Vocational Education Research in July. He will replace Simon Walker, in the job since 2018.  Mr King moves from consultants Seer Analytics.

Eddie Major become AI coordinator for learning and teaching at Uni Adelaide. He moves from the adjacent Australian Institute for Machine Learning.

Journal Teaching in Higher Education announces its Editor’s Choice award for 2024 to, Rola Ajjawi (Deakin U), Karen Gravett (Uni Surrey) and Sarah O’Shea (Charles Sturt U) for “The politics of student belonging: identity and purpose” 

Steven Warburton (Uni Newcastle) becomes president of the Australasian University Leaders in Learning and Teaching.



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