Appointments & Achievements (31 July)

Scroll down for the ARC 2024 Future Fellows

Mark Blows is in-coming provost at Uni Queensland. The 25 year UoQ veteran moves from DVC R, replacing Aidan Byrne, who will retire in October.


Kerry Bodle (Griffith U) is Academic of the Year at the Australian Accounting Awards.


The Centre for Sex and Gender Equity in Health and Medicine has new leadership. Bronwyn Graham (UNSW) is National Director. Rachel Huxley and Severine Lamon (both Deakin U) are Co-Directors. The centre is led by academic partners, George Institute for Global Health, UNSW and Deakin U. 


The Council of Australasian University Directors of IT presents its inaugural Community Award to Nigel Foxwell (James Cook U), Galen White and Mac Lemon (consultants, FromHEREON) and Jeff Kennedy (Uni Auckland) for their Higher Education Reference Models.


Reuben Maher (Soil Cooperative Research Centre) wins the CRC Association ECR competition for a pocket-size 3D “printed device” paired to a smartphone used to test soil in the field. 


Ganna Pogrebna (Charles Sturt U) wins the AI in Cybersecurity Award at the Asia-Pacific Women in AI forum.


Mark Sutherland becomes director of Open Access Australasia. He was previously ED of the Council of Australian University Librarians.


Megan Cassidy-Welch (Uni Divinity) becomes president of the Religious History Association.


The Commonwealth’s Workplace Gender Equality Agency announces Employers of Choice, including first timers IDP Education and Uni Super. RMIT is in its 16th year, Uni Wollongong Global Enterprises its 22, Uni Victoria, six and Western Sydney U 22.


The Australian Research Council 2024 Future Fellows (with apologies for anybody missed are) by location are;


Craig Anderson (ANU), Jane Calford (ANU), Nicole Curato (Uni Canberra), Caillan Davenport (ANU), Luke Glanville (ANU), Jamie Hicks (ANU), Lara Malins (ANU), S. Saman Razavi (ANU), Ben Shaw (ANU), Ceri Shipton (ANU), Gregory Walter (ANU), Liang Zheng (ANU)


Ben Colagiuri (Uni Sydney), Melissa Crouch (UNSW), Jianguang Fang (UTS), Selene Fernandez Valverde (UNSW), Heather Ford (UTS),  Ben Fulcher (Uni Sydney), Oliver Griffith (Macquarie U), Junming Ho (UNSW),

Lisa Kervin (Uni Wollongong),  Anton Kolotilin (UNSW), Martijn Konings (Uni Sydney), Georgios Konstantinou (UNSW), Girish Lakhwani (Uni Sydney), Tanya Latty (Uni Sydney), Jun Li (UTS), Fengwang Li (Uni Sydney), Dalia Nassar (Uni Sydney), Barnaby Norris (Uni Sydney)

Hoang Phuong Phan (UNSW), Jonathan Plett (Western Sydney U), Sophie Primig (UNSW), Md. Arifur Rahim (Uni Sydney), Hanlin Shang (Macquarie U), Rachael Swain (UNSW), Nana Wang (Uni Wollongong), Min Xu (UTS), Xi Zheng (Macquarie U)


Maria Fernanda Adame (Griffith U), Christopher Baker (Uni Queensland), Timothy Ballard (Uni Queensland), Zhifeng Bao (Uni Queensland), Fabio Cortesi, (Uni Queensland), Gianluca Demartini (Uni Queensland), Hannah Filmer (Uni Queensland), Daniel Franks (Uni Queensland),

Cecilia Gonzalez Tokman (Uni Queensland), Danielle Harris (Griffith U), Jody Hobson-Peters (Uni Queensland), Xu Huang (Uni Southern Queensland), Xiaodan Huang (Uni Queensland),

Larisa Labzin (Uni Queensland), Ramiro Lafuente (Uni Queensland), Porun Liu (Griffith U), Fernando Martinez Coma (Griffith U), Justyna Miszkiewicz (Uni Queensland), Anjum Naweed (CQU), Sergei Slussarenko (Griffith U), Lisa Stafford (Griffith U), Rodrigo Suarez (Uni Queensland), Hang Ta (Griffith U), Sue-Ann Watson (James Cook U), Hongyi Xu (Uni Queensland), Jun Zhang (Griffith U)

South Australia

Robin Beck (Finders U), Witold Bloch (Flinders U), Kylie Dunning (Uni Adelaide), Timothy Legrand (Uni Adelaide), Ferry Melchels (Uni SA), Andrew Phillips (Flinders U), Martin Polkinghorne (Flinders U), Emma Thomas (Flinders U), Vi Khanh Truong (Flinders U), Danny Wilson (Uni Adelaide)


Rebecca Carey, Andrew Flies, Joanne Whittaker (all Uni Tasmania)


Tim Adair (Uni Melbourne), Daniel Bennett (Monash U), Roland Burke (La Trobe U), Chen Davidovich (Monash U), Norman Do (Monash U), Thomas Ford (La Trobe U), Jessica Frith (Monash U), Chris Greening (Monash U), Jiefeng Hu (Federation U), Andrew King (Uni Melbourne), Chen Li (Monash U), Xiaoshan Lin (RMIT), Stephen Muirhead (Uni Melbourne), Thuy (Kate) Nguyen (RMIT), Jianzhong Qi (Uni Melbourne), Jordana Silverstein (Uni Melbourne), Xingliang Yuan (Monash U)

Western Australia

Nadim Darwish (Curtin U), Denis Fougerouse (Curtin U), Shino Konishi (UWA), Hongqi Sun (UWA), Ingrid Ward (UWA)



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