Discipline-specific tutors improve student outcomes

Tutors with expertise in disciplines that students study are critical to improving student support in Australian universities, according to a new study.

One-on-one draft assessment feedback to students provided using ‘a pedagogy of kindness’ was critical to transforming learning outcomes, according to a  paper by Sarah Teakel, Kelly Linden and Debbie Clatworthy from Charles Sturt University.

The team assessed the results of embedding tutors in 24 first-year units and proactively discussed assessments with students. Of the 704 drafts reviewed, 51 students needed guidance on academic integrity and at-risk students who met with a tutor were 10% more likely to pass their subject and achieve a higher than average mark.

Tutors were trained in the pedagogy of kindness, which involves showing concern, compassion and empathy when raising academic misconduct issues.



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