Appointments & Achievements (16 October)

Three new members join the Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering Board,  Stuart Khan (Uni Sydney), John McGagh (ex Rio Tinto) and Kylie Sproston (Bellberry, which promotes/improves the “quality, efficiency and effectiveness of research”).


The Association of Australian MRIs announces the short-list for its “rising star” awards, Kefyalew Alene (Kids RI, WA), Tuba Nur Gide, (Melanoma Institute, NSW), Manda Gwee, (Murdoch Children’s RI, Victoria), Matthew Hare, (Menzies School of Health Research (Northern Territory).


Australian Institute of International Affairs 2024 Fellows are, John Blaxland (ANU), Melanie Brock (Japan-based business consultant), Penny Burtt (Boeing), James Curran (Uni Sydney), Bina D’Costa (ANU), Susan Harris Rimmer (Griffith U), Purnendra Jain (Uni Adelaide), Bec Strating (La Trobe U).


Stephen Boyle is to join Monash U Malaysia as VP Education. He moves from James Cook U, Singapore.


Paul Ginns (Uni Sydney) wins the Australian Psychological Society Altmetric Award for “Rest breaks aid directed attention and learning,” Educational and Developmental Psychology (40) 2023. He is corresponding author on the paper, also by Katherine Muscat and Ryan Naylor (both Uni Sydney).


Arete Metuamate becomes master of Ormond College at the University of Melbourne, replacing Lara McKay, who moves to Director Comms and Government Relations at QUT.


Benjamin Mountford becomes inaugural director of Australian Catholic U’s Ballarat-located Centre for Regional Humanities, Social Sciences and Arts.


Tim Pitman is confirmed as Trials and Programs Director at the Curtin U-based Australian Centre for Student Equity and Success. Never heard of it? It’s the successor to the National Centre for Student Equity in HE.  


Royal Australian Chemical Institute 2024 awards include, Leonie Barner (QUT): service, Joanne Jamie (Macquarie U): education, Sara Kyne (UNSW): educator, Wenyi Li (La Trobe U) Rennie Medal (for an ECR), Sally-Ann Poulsen (Griffith U): leadership, Helena Wang (Uni Melbourne): catalyst award for green H2 production, Chuan Zhou (UNSW): H G Smith Award (for research)


Michelle Scott is the inaugural McCusker Chair in Citizenship at UWA. She steps up from  centre director. 


Zora Singh (Edith Cowan U) receives the American Society for Horticultural Science award for Outstanding Graduate Educator. 



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