Appointments and Acheivements (22 January)

Peter Anstey moves to Australian Catholic U from Uni Sydney, He will lead ACU’s Western Civilisation Programme, which is supported by the Ramsay Centre for Western Civ.

Jen Beaudry (Flinders U )is the new president of the Association for Interdisciplinary Meta-Research and Open Science. New board members are Tom Hardwicke (Uni Melbourne), Fallon Mody (Uni Melbourne) and Aidan Tan (Uni Sydney).

The inaugural national student ombudsman is Sarah Bendall. She moves from client service roles in Victorian Government agencies.

Newly ex Chief Scientist Cathy Foley joins the board of CSIRO. Dr Foley was a long-standing researcher there before her term as the government’s science advisor.

A new Sydney ferry is named for solar power pioneer Martin Green (UNSW). Sadly, it is diesel driven.

Joseph Lawrence is new ED of Commonwealth Government agency, Australian Forrest and Wood Innovations, (“applied research, development and innovation”). He is a previous PVC (Enterprise) at Federation U.

Uni Wollongong Interim DVC R Eileen McLaughlin will step-up to be Interim VC in March, in position until new VC Max Lu arrives in May. She will replace present interim VC Jonn Dewar.

Donald McNeill becomes Dean of Uni Sydney’s School of Architecture, Design and Planning. It is an internal appointment replacing Robyn Dowling who will support the university on “strategic projects.” 

National Archives council member Amanda Heyworth becomes deputy chair. Public policy consultant Joseph Roach joins for a three year term.

Juuso Henrik Nieminen becomes a senior research fellow at Deakin U’s Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning. He moves from University of Hong Kong.

Andrew Norton moves from ANU to Monash U’s business and economics faculty. The move by Australia’s HE analyst-in-chief is a loss for the former and big win for the later.

Stephen Phillips will become Uni Wollongong VP Operations in March. He previously had the same role at Uni Sydney.

Utte Roessner is the new CEO of the Australian Research Council. She moves from PVC Research Initiatives and Infrastructure at ANU

Marnie Watson is in-coming VP Global at Griffith U, starting in March. She moves from international student recruiter, Acumen.



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