What 90% of HE staff want.

What 90% of HE staff want.

Feature Event: New ATEM conference to explore the purpose of HE

The evolving role of higher education institutions in society will be the ...
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HE Fest

Everything you never wanted to know about being a first-time conference organiser

The difference between a friend and a close friend is that the ...
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The campaigns you won’t see this week

There were fine speeches made to a Senate Committee last week, but ...
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The Employability Paradox: Australian Universities in the AI Era

In the last decade, employment outcomes have become the most salient measure ...
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The Digest

The Week That Was (13 September)

Griffith U’s long-discussed move to the CBD is happening, with the purchase ...
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Future Campus Awards

Future Campus Award Winners

The winners of the 2024 Future Campus award winners were announced yesterday. ...
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Forget growth: embrace relevance: UTAS VC

Universities need to come to grips that international student enrolments are a ...
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