Advertising Space
250 px x 1900 px

HE Fest

Industry leader joins HE FEST lineup

A tech industry leader with copious experience in delivering tech solutions to the HE sector, Mark Sampson has signed up to speak at HE FEST ...
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The Accord

The ten people already implementing the Accord

The people selected to represent the “sector and wider community” on the implementation of the Universities Accord are working on the Government’s six priorities – ...
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International Students

Caps promise pipeline pain without rethink

What a drama around international student caps! Is it mostly because this is being rushed? Managing growth is fine. But it’s too late to cap ...
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Regional campuses win in needs-based funding plan

Needs-based funding will follow low-SES students, Indigenous students and students with a disability, but not country students – instead funnelling the extra support money to ...
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Three insights from the dark side  – and a solution

I’ve just spent 8 nights across the Tasman trying to defy the siren song of my four email accounts and 20 something digital channels, glancing ...
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The Digest

The Week that Was (12 July)

If the TEQSA team ever feels sorry for itself they should consider what training regulator ASQA announces it is up against (new regulatory risk priorities). ...
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US confidence in HE plummets

Confidence in Higher Education has plummeted almost 20% over the past 9 years in the US, according to a new poll. In 2015, 57% of ...
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HE Fest

More HE Leaders sign up

The program for HE FEST is now huge, with more than 20 speakers locked in. The conference from 11-13 September aims to be the year’s ...
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Medical Research

Alliance of equals in medical research funding

A new advisory structure and committees has been announced to improve collaboration between the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) and National Health and Medical Research ...
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Advertising Space
250 px x 1900 px