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250 px x 1900 px


Clare opens doors, but major reforms await

There was a big tick for access and equity in yesterday’s announcement of Interim Accord measures, but decisions on major structural reform await. University managements ...
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The Accord

Peak uni lobby does not push the panic button

Universities Australia was out early yesterday, making its case for members to be looked after in the paper from Mary O’Kane and colleagues, expected Wednesday. ...
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Vice Chancellors and the desirable properties they desire

In the heart of many VCs there’s a property developer who isn’t waiting to get out It’s been a big couple of weeks for universities ...
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What AI will do next: Australians are nervous

An ANU study has found that just 17 per cent of people think AI will create more jobs than they eliminate. It’s not that there ...
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Medical Research

Medical research: one fund to rule them all?

The Medical Research Future Fund and the endowment account of the National Health and Medical Research Council award $1.5bn in annual grants between them and ...
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Hope is critical in HE – but wounding and hopelessness persist.

Facilitators of a mentoring project for doctoral students found reasons for optimism – despite everything. Tracy Fortune (La Trobe U) and colleagues analysed the experiences ...
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Clare raises “nuclear option” for teacher education

University education faculties could lose accreditation if their students are not taught the “fundamentals” -teaching maths and English and managing classrooms according to Education Minister ...
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VET is VET and HE is HE – So how can O’Kane meet the Twain?

By Dr Craig Fowler, JCSF Consulting Kipling’s verse “East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet” as an idiom reflects ‘when ...
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Paradigm wars rage in the pursuit of evidence-based practices

‘Evidence-based practices.’ It’s a phrase we all know well. You can likely find it in the overarching guiding plans or strategy documents of your university, ...
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Advertising Space
250 px x 1900 px